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Wasn’t it Tesla who said, “Signs, signs, everywhere the signs. Blocking out the scenery, breaking my mind. Do this, don’t do that, can’t you read the signs?” And boy is it true. There are signs everywhere these days. Signs to tell us to stop, to yield, and that there’s construction ahead. Signs have become so popular that even stacked street walkers are using them to instruct their customers on how they should be handled. Look at horny June Summers. She is a hooker who uses “sign” language to tell her Johns what she likes. Just take a look at her top. It says, “Pet my Pussy.” That is pretty straight-forward instruction. So, go ahead, pet her pussy, we doubt she will mind. (If she does it’s false advertising!) We’d also like to point out that although it’s not on a sign, we do love it when June says, “That’s good slut pussy, right?” Any woman who refers to her cock-box as a “Slut pussy” is a winner in our book.
